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July 13,2024 Thank-you Lord Jesus Christ for watching over DJT

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1 Cor 15:1-4

Jesus’ resurrection turned faith into a reality. When people saw Jesus face-to-face after He died on the cross and rose again, their lives were changed forever. Paul was one of those people. Seeing Jesus—the fulfillment of prophecy and God’s promises—turned his life around. As you study God’s Word today, may you be reminded of the unchangeable, verifiable reality of the hope we have in Christ and His coming kingdom. 

The Bible is a Book on Faith and Salvation. Whenever you delve into the Inspired Word of God, fine what each book says about Faith and Salvation. As a subset of that is the inspired word for Israel and the Gentiles. In this age of Grace, Salvation is the same for all.

Based on my experience, I believe that I was saved at about nine years old. My parents took me to a Lady (Mrs. Slayter) to stay for a few weeks while my parents dealt with other issues. She read the bible to me each night. She would pray for us. God convinced me I was a sinner, and I accepted that Christ died for me and was in Heaven. So, when comes to salvation, I believe that’s the first step in a long journey, a lifetime, being a student of God. But in today’s world, there is religion on every corner. So, my prayer for each of you is that God puts the right person in your life that understands the importance of Paul’s (apostle for all including Gentiles) epistles and the age of Grace (today). Commenting here is difficult. Go to 2rightlydividetheword.com and leave your comment there.

I am now 72 and am thankful I can still use my internet skills to write this to you.

Politics and Voting – Can be a distraction to faith.

We as Christians need to be an influence on our Government. I  see voting as essential to placing Christian values in front of a corrupt world. Prayer for Gods guidance from his Word and prayer for our leadership is a must in these critical times. As Christians we must be prepared for our nation is under Judgement. And if it appears your vote wasn’t counted, remember God is in control with a plan and we humans are a bit short on wisdom and patience. Keep the eternal hope in front of you.

Today I added another note I put on Truth Social. Donald Trump feels what he did was right with Warp Speed. This is what I say to that. There were many wrongs done in response to Covid. By the Swamp.  You addressed a few. But the elephant in the room our government lied to us many times. And it appears there were other stronger players in the room that either manipulated your team or the agency of the Federal Government. This must be weeded out and you must have a plan to weed them out. You will lose votes like Dr. Malone and even myself. 

Replying to @realDonaldTrump

We need to Pray for our presidents and our nation. This DOJ moving the line of Justice to gain more political power will shatter any unity in America. We all see our top Justice department attempting to destroy the will of the people to speak freely about what we see happening in our country. We all see these attacks against people who were doing what Americans should do. Hold our elected officials accountable. For more info on Politics, I have another Blog 4americans2day.com

Today it is critical for all to pray for our Country and its leadership. God is waiting for Americans to reach out to him in Prayer.  We know the world and America are sliding into the abyss (more Sin). But what can help America (USA) is for people (World) in the body of Christ to be in his word (KJB) and praying for understanding and discernment. I do believe that voting is our tool to make America a God-fearing Nation. We are are put here as the salt of the Earth. 

Today, I came across a very good website. Wallbuilders.com . They are Presenting America’s forgotten history and heroes with an emphasis on our moral, religious and constitutional heritage. Excellent Site!

We all need a daily Bible reading. For me this site is essential because I can listen to the bible anytime anywhere. The BLB or the Blue Letter Bible.

There is so much you can do to understand Gods’ word more deeply. The search tools are excellent. The study tools are vast. Currently they have a series of Bible verses for Thanksgiving. BLB.org. Also please read my C.I. Scofield article-Rightly Dividing The Word of God. Even though I have some concern about timing on some issues, his overall reasoning for Rightly dividing the Word of God is good.

A key in understanding the progressiveness of God’s Word is separating what is written directly for the Jewish people before Christ’s Death, Burial and Resurrection and what is so now after Christ ascended according to Paul’s writings, the Apostle to (ALL) Gentiles and Jews. This single act of rightly dividing of the Word of God, will allow you to literally read all of his Word with greater clarity. For further info on this approach, Les Feldick Ministries on lesfeldick.orglesfeldick.netlesfeldick.com Firestick, and many other TV channels and media will help you understand the whole Bible. Les just went to be with the Lord, but his ministries continue on.

Below are examples of Blue Letter Bible. This is an excellent source of many different resources to understand Gods word better

No matter what I say politically in this site, Christ’s Death, Burial, and Resurrection as Paul speaks of in 1 Corinthians 15:1-4 is the only path I pray for each of you. I have put my heart and soul into this site. Rightly Dividing the Word of God is essential to me. But more so is my Salvation. As individuals in Christ and a part of the body of Christ Read, I respect each person’s saving faith in Christ. My article Salvation and Rightly Dividing Gods Word – 2 Rightly Divide the Word. Below is an MP3 from Dr. J. Vernon McGee (ttb.org).  One must be careful of online tools to study God’s Word. I used to use You Verse. But there are no resources on Paul. Without Paul’s epistles, a deepening Faith in Salvation is not possible.

1 Corinthians 15:1-8

The Bible is a Book on Faith and Salvation. Whenever you delve into the Inspired Word of God, fine what each book says about Faith and Salvation. As a subset of that is the inspired word for Israel and the Gentiles. In this age of Grace, Salvation is the same for all.

Based on my experience, I believe that I was saved at about nine years old. My parents took me to a Lady (Mrs. Slayter) to stay for a few weeks while my parents dealt with other issues. She read the bible to me and my brother each night. She would pray for us. Yes, my brother was there too. God convinced me I was a sinner, and I accepted that Christ died for me and was in Heaven. So, when comes to salvation, I believe that’s the first step in a long journey, a lifetime, being a student of God. But in today’s world, there is religion on every corner. So, my prayer for each of you is that God puts the right person in your life that understands the importance of Paul’s (apostle for all including Gentiles) epistles and the age of Grace (today). Commenting here is difficult. Go to 2rightlydividetheword.com and leave your comment there.

I am now 72 and am thankful I can still use my internet skills to write this to you. I tried the new AI SEO. Not Good. I will leave it to God for Guidance.

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